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Plakat Betta Care Guide: Everything You Need To Know

Plakat Betta Care Guide: Everything You Need To Know

The Betta fish species is widely known for its amazing colors and popularity as a starter fish for first-time fish owners. The Plakat Betta fish is more aggressive than a regular household Betta, as they’re bred specifically for fighting. They also look slightly different from other Betta fish, and have shorter tails and fins. 

Plakat Betta Fish (or Betta Splendens) are aggressive fish as they’re bred for fighting. They do best alone in a tank, and these beautiful Betta fish can make a great addition to your aquarium if cared for properly. They’re low-maintenance fish and make excellent pets.

Like every fish, the Plakat Betta fish has needs that must be met for a happy and long life. Their fiery personality and striking colors will lighten up any room. This article will discuss everything you need to know about caring for your Plakat Betta Fish.

Plakat Betta Overview 

Plakat Betta fish originate from the Mekon Basin in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, with Thailand being where they are most commonly found. They are highly adaptable as they can live in slow-moving bodies of water such as marshes, floodplains, and in puddles during the dry season. This is due to their labyrinth organ, which helps them breathe in shallow water without oxygen. 

The Osphronemidae Species

The Plakat Betta is a variety of Betta fish, but they are also a part of the Osphronimidae family. This family of fish is a freshwater fish variety typically located in tropical areas. The species includes gouramis, pikeheads, and other fighting fish. 

Plakat Betta Size, Color, and Lifespan

Plakat Betta Fish are relatively small in size, with adult Plakat Bettas growing to only about 3 inches (76.2 mm) in length. They also have shorter fins and tails than the more commonly known Betta Fish, which helps them fight as the fins are stronger and more difficult to shred.

In terms of color, Plakat Betta fish are less colorful than their well-known counterparts since they’re mostly bred for fighting. They still come in many different colors, but the colors will be muted compared to other species of Betta fish. However, they’re still quite beautiful, with red, orange, blue, silver, and pink colors on their bodies. 

Plakat Betta fish can live to about 3-5 years old if you care for them properly. Their lifespan will depend on their diet, tank size, and living in optimal tank conditions. Although they’re bred for fighting, this can damage their health, shortening their lifespan or even causing death.

Plakat Betta Fish Temperament

Plakat Betta Fish

As mentioned above, the Plakat Betta fish is bred as a fighting fish and can behave aggressively toward other fish in their territory. They’re highly territorial and don’t get along well with other fish sharing the same tank. 

Although Plakat Betta fish can co-exist with some fish species, having them in the same tank as other Betta fish is a recipe for disaster because they will fight. 

Cost of Plakat Betta Fish

Plakat Betta fish are not easily found in pet stores and typically need to be ordered online from reputable sellers. The cost can vary based on different variations in their breeding, with fish from successful lines being more expensive.

Even though you’re not buying a Plakat Betta Fish to fight, there are a few different forms of the Plakat Betta based on their fighting abilities: 

  • Planchon Plakats: These fish are known for being very fast and having a sharp bite. They are the most common fighting fish in Thailand and are recognizable for their long and narrow bodies. 
  • Plamor Plakats: This variety is as tough as the Plachon Plakat but isn’t as fast since its head and body are much shorter. 
  • Plakrai Plakats: This Betta fish is known for accurate and deadly aims and is incredibly fast. It’s also known as a “spoon head” Plakat due to its curved mouth and long body. 
  • Plasang Plakats: These fish are smaller than other Plakat Betta fish and are a hybrid of wild and captive-bred fish. 

With the different forms of Plakat Betta fish, there are different colors and looks. A few notable names are Samauri Betta, Dragon Betta, and Nemo Bettas. They all have distinct looks and qualities, so when looking for your Plakat Betta fish, be sure to shop around for the one that fits your personal preferences.

Tank Conditions for Plakat Betta Fish

If you decide that a Plakat Betta Fish would make a good addition to your aquarium, then the next step is to set up a tank that will give them a comfortable place in which to grow and live. Setting up a tank that mimics their natural environment can ensure they won’t get stressed out or sick from the incorrect care. 

Here’s what to consider when setting up a tank for your Plakat Betta fish:

Water Temperature and pH

The Plakat Betta fish comes from a tropical region, so warmer water is important for overall health and happiness. You should keep the water in the tank between 72-82°F (22.22-27.77°C). Anything lower than that can make them sick and stressed and be fatal in extreme cases. 

Plakat Betta fish prefer a pH balance of 6.0-7.5, which is slightly acidic. This needs to be tested regularly to ensure it stays at a safe level for your Plakat Betta fish. If you need help keeping the pH level stable, a water conditioner can help. 

Ideal Tank Size 

The Ideal tank size for your Plakat Betta fish is at least 10 gallons (45 liters). Even though they’re small, Plakat Betta fish need a lot of space to swim around and won’t live as long in smaller tanks. 

If you plan on introducing them into a tank with other fish, it needs to be even larger in size to accommodate the aggressive nature of the Plakat Betta fish. 

Tank Maintenance

Since the Plakat Betta is from areas with slow-moving water, it’s important to use a filter to keep the water clean and without disturbing it too much. Partial weekly water changes will keep harmful toxins from building up in the tank, and vacuuming the gravel will clean up uneaten food or waste. 

Ideal Habitat for Plakat Betta Fish

Like other Betta fish, Plakat Betta fish will leave a bubble nest in your tank if they’re happy. Besides tank conditions, it’s important to consider the substrate, plants, and decorations in the tank that will keep them occupied and provide a place for them to rest comfortably.

I’ll discuss this in more detail below:


The best substrate for a Plakat Betta fish is a soft and sandy substrate. This is reminiscent of their natural environment, where they live in shallow warm waters with sandy substrates. If you need heavier rocks or pebbles to hold in plants, consider something without sharp edges so your Plakat Betta fish is protected from cuts and scrapes. 


Plakat Betta fish love aquatic plants as it gives them a great place to rest and hide. Plants also have the benefit of keeping the water clean and well-oxygenated. Floating plants also provide them with a great place to make a bubble nest.

Recommended varieties include

When adding plants into the tank, this is the best time to get creative with the tank’s aesthetic while also considering the needs of your Plakat Betta fish. If you’re considering adding the Plakat Betta fish to a community tank, check which plants from the list above will work for all the fish in your tank. 

Tank Decorations 

Decorations for your Plakat Betta fish should include places they can hide away, such as caves and castles. Make sure these additions to your tank have large enough openings for the Plakat Betta fish to easily enter and exit. Also, ensure that there’s plenty of surface space open so your Plakat Betta fish can access it for air.

How To Care for a Plakat Betta Fish

Before you buy a Plakat Betta fish, it’s important to take the time to research the items you need and set them up ahead of time. Many elements go into properly caring for a fish. 

Below, I’ll break down some of the most important elements before bringing home your Plakat Betta fish:

Feeding Your Plakat Betta Fish

Plakat Betta fish are carnivores and prefer a varied diet to keep them well-fed. Variations in diet can help keep Plakat Betta fish alive and vibrant for longer.

Foods that your Plakat Betta fish will enjoy include: 

  • Bloodworms
  • Brine shrimp 
  • Plakat flakes
  • Insect larvae
  • Daphnia 

As a general rule of thumb, only feed them what they can eat within two minutes to keep waste at a minimum. The tank will get dirtier quicker if your Plakat Betta does not finish all their food. Be sure to avoid any land animal meats as well.

Ideal Tankmates for Plakat Betta Fish

As mentioned in one of the previous sections, Plakat Betta fish are aggressive and prone to fighting with tankmates. That said, they can still coexist with other species depending on the tank’s space and the other fish’s temperament.

Fish that can get along well with the Plakat Betta species include: 

  • Barbs (discluding tiger barbs) 
  • Tetras (discluding neon tetras
  • Gouramis
  • Catfish 

Many fish species have more peaceful varieties, so keep peaceful, non-aggressive fish in your tank if a Plakat Betta is around. It is very important to never place two male Plakat Betta fish in the same tank, as this will almost certainly result in a fight. Female Plakat Betta fish may get along fine, but aggression during spawning is common.

Breeding Plakat Betta Fish 

Though breeding Plakat Betta fish can be difficult, it’s possible to do this in captivity. In this case, a separate breeding tank is needed, and the water must be kept between 78 and 80°F (25.55 and 26.66°C). A high-protein diet for a few weeks before breeding is also recommended. 

When a female Plakat Betta fish is ready to release her eggs, the male will make a bubble nest for the eggs. Once fertilized, the eggs will hatch in 3 days. When this happens, remove the parent fish, as they will eat the young fry.

Plakat Betta Fish Health

Following the steps above, you can expect your Plakat Betta fish to live a long and healthy life. However, there are still many freshwater fish diseases that can negatively affect your Plakat Betta’s health:

Plakat Betta fish can easily catch these conditions from being incorrectly introduced to their tank or being placed in a tank with other sick fish. To minimize the risk, assess your tank before the introduction and take it slowly. 

Acclimating Plakat Betta Fish To Tank

Even though Plakat Betta fish are very hardy, incorrect introduction to their tank can cause illness from shock. Introducing a fish to its forever home is a long process with several steps. Still, your fish will reward you for the effort by staying healthy.

To acclimate your Plakat Betta Fish to the tank, follow these important steps: 

  1. Dim the lights in their new environment initially. Plakat Betta fish don’t mind brighter lights, but initially, keeping things dim will lessen one of the common stressors when introducing fish. 
  2. Wipe down the plastic bag holding your Plakat Betta fish. This will help avoid getting outside contaminants in the tank during the next few steps. 
  3. Remove excess water from the plastic bag holding your Plakat Betta fish. Keep the water line just above their dorsal fin. You will add more water later, but they still need enough to breathe. 
  4. Float the plastic bag on top of the water in their new tank. If you find this difficult, fold the bag edges 4 or 5 times to keep it afloat. This process takes 15 minutes and helps bring the water in the bag to the same temperature in the tank over a gradual period. 
  5. Add the water from their tank into their plastic bag until it’s full. Wait 5 to 10 minutes between each addition to gradually introduce the water to your Plakat Betta fish. 
  6. Place your Plakat Betta fish into the tank with a net. Do this gently not to disturb the Plakat betta fish. It’s crucial to do this quickly, so the release isn’t as traumatic. 

This safe introduction will protect your Plakat Betta fish from illness caused by the shock of a new environment. Setting aside time to do this when your new fish arrives will set you and your new Plakat Betta up for success.

Signs of Stress and Illness in Plakat Betta Fish

Plakat Betta fish are considered more robust than other fish, but they can still get ill. Keep a close eye on your Plakat Betta fish to understand their typical behavior, so you can tell when they feel unwell.

Signs of a sick or stressed Plakat Betta fish include: 

  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • White spots on the skin
  • Torn or rough fins or tail 
  • Loss of color 
  • Swimming erratically
  • Staying at the bottom of the tank 
  • Floating belly up 

If your fish exhibits any of these symptoms, it could be parasites, a bacterial infection, or other freshwater fish disease. The sooner you see symptoms, the quicker you can take action. Speaking to an expert or vet specializing in fish can help you diagnose and treat the illness before it’s too late. 

Final Thoughts

Though originally bred for fighting, the Plakat Betta fish can make an excellent addition to your home tank if you’re willing to put in the right amount of time and care. As solo fish, they make great beginner fish with beautiful colors to keep your attention for many years. If you plan on adding them to an existing tank, make sure there are no other male Plakat Betta and that all the existing varieties have a peaceful temperament.

I’m Elle, the founder of FishHQ. I created this website to share knowledge, tips, and inspiration for beginner hobbyists to help them create a healthy, happy, and vibrant environment for their fish to thrive. Read more...